Chem IH project
Grading Guidelines:
(50 pts) Project must be a MsPowerPoint presentation (6 slides max), brochure, or foldable (must be typed using OUR OWN WORDS)- neatness & creativity greatly enhances the project! It must contain at least 3 pictures, 1 must be hand drawn - a structural formula is NOT an example. The bibliography has to be included in this written portion.
(20 pts)An 2' x 2' Foam Board Artistic Representation of your Element. Be creative! It needs to include the symbol, name, and anything else that you thought was really cool and/significant. LIMIT word use on the board. It could be drawings, clipart, 3D effects, paint, puff balls, food items, recycled items, etc that you include in your representation.
(30 pts) A demonstration/experiment that involves your substance should be provided. Your experiment can be a simulated one. You cannot, however, do a demo or experiment that we have already done.
Pick Date: May 9th
Due Date: May 21st